What is AuxBus? It's a library that machines can use to transfer audio streams between other machines that use the library. It makes it possible to code machines that have more than one input such as a vocoder. This was previously impossible in Buzz. I also made two machines that use the lib. The first one, AuxSend simply sends it's input to one of the 64 aux buses. The other machine is a simple example of an machine that uses more than one input. It outputs the input signal multiplied with the signal from one of the aux buses. Listen to auxbusdemo.bmx for a bad example. R2: works better now. inputs/outputs in R1 was sometimes not in sync. Developers I've included full source code to the DLL and example machines so you can check them and fix the bugs. I wrote the thing in just a few hours and I'm hoping that I don't have to touch it again myself. 21.6.99 Oskari Tammelin ot@iki.fi